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Installing solar since 2024
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# reviews since 2024
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
5.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
5.0Installation quality
3.0After sales support
1.003smithrb | Aurora, Colorado | 09/23/2024
A Mixed Bag
I recently had the opportunity to work with Apex Solar for my solar installation, and my experience was a bit of a mixed bag. Sales is handled through Apex, and in my case, installation was subcontracted out to Premier Renewables. On the positive side, I was really impressed with their explanations and responsiveness during the sales process. Additionally, their willingness to split the installation (outside and the inside wiring) due to my travel helped keep the job moving. It’s great to see a company that understands the importance of convenience in the installation process. The SilFab solar panels look great and the Enphase setup is pretty slick for monitoring. There were several downsides that left me feeling less than satisfied. After arriving home from travel, the contracted critter guard was missing. When the team came back for to finish the install, they did quickly put it up. However, it isn't a complete job, as the areas that were harder to reach remain un-covered with the netting. I was also promised (but not in the contract) net metering, if the components fit into my box. I cannot even get an answer to my question to this and one other lingering question for months. Finally, I found their pricing to be on the higher side compared to other solar companies I researched. Given the cost, I anticipated a higher level of service and responsiveness, which just wasn’t delivered. Overall, while Apex Solar does have some strengths, particularly in their installation flexibility, their customer service and pricing left much to be desired. For the investment, I expected a more supportive experience.
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3855 S 500 W, Salt Lake City Utah, 84115
1101 East Bayaud Avenue, Floor 5, Denver CO, 80209
201 Milwaukee St, Denver CO, 80206
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