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Installing solar since 2013
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# reviews since 2022
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
3.0Price as quoted
3.0On schedule
1.0Installation quality
1.0After sales support
1.0Arthur Hauptman | Yukon, Oklahoma | 12/08/2022
Worst buying experience of my life.
I thought I signed a contract with Vivint Solar in 5/17/2022. When you read the fine print it's with Arrowpoint. The first month or so was fine. I was informed of what was going on with my project. In July it was difficult to get any answers on the status of anything. I finally got my panels installed on August 23rd. The sub contractor that Arrowpoint hired showed up on time and ready to work(8:00). Arrowpoint showed up 5 hours late with the panels. They also didn't bring anything else that was needed for the sub contractors. After a trip to the local hardware store they got started but told me that there was no possible way they could finish that day and would need to basically do the install the next day. Keep in mind that Arrowpoint was not around. They dropped off the panels and left the sub contractors to figure it all out. I finally got an inspection in late September and my system failed. Arrowpoint sent 2 techs out to my house on October 17th. After 6 hours the techs stated everything should be ready to go. I finally got my reinspection done on December 6th. According to there own master electrician my system failed again because of the exact reasons it failed the first time. Over this process I have spoken to my Vivint sales person, project manager, and legal staff per there request. I thought they were being helpful and looking out for me and now I'm being ghosted. They will not return any calls or emails. I have had 4 different project coordinators from Arrowpoint because they keep quitting the company. That should be a hint on how this company runs. There own people can't stand to be there. I get nothing but excuses why nothing is happening or moving at a snails pace. My inspection failed 3 days ago and I have not received a single phone call apologizing for the inconvenience or how they will remedy the situation. I have waisted days of my life being at home because of there incompetence. Other then a 2 week period I was ill I call them a couple times a week trying to get updates and to keep things moving. I also forgot to mention that not only am I paying my normal utility bill but now also for solar panels that do not work. WORST BUYING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIKE
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227 Downing St, Nixa MO, 65714
15706 Hickory Ln, Lowell AR, 72745
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