BeUtilityFree, Inc. (Out of Business)

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Installing solar since 2006

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3.25 from 2 Reviews

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BeUtilityFree, Inc. (Out of Business) reviews

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Latest good review thumbs up

Anonymous | Longmont, Colorado | 03/21/2007

These guys know there stuff. Where extremely easy to work with and always showed up on time. System worked as advertised!<br />

Latest bad review thumbs down

Mississippi Solar | Poplarville, Mississippi | 07/14/2020

Avoid this guy! You've been warned.

In 2015, I ordered 2 nickel iron batteries from this guy and put on my credit card. They said they came from China so 45 day delay. 55 days after my order, I called the owner and he said he didn't know anything about it. I reminded him he charged my CC for $2300, then he says he quit doing business with that supplier. I told him I wanted a refund. He tried to sell me something else so I told him to send me spec sheet. He said I told you about them already. I then demanded a refund and he cussed me out. I contested charge with CC co. and got my money back after 4 months. Then this rascal had the nerve to charge my CC for $65 6 months later.

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Colorado - Fort Lupton

14149 W County Rd 26, Fort Lupton CO, 80621

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Contact BeUtilityFree, Inc. (Out of Business)

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Head Office
14149 W County Rd 26, Fort Lupton CO, 80621