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Installing solar since 2006
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# reviews since 2007
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
3.0Price as quoted
3.0On schedule
3.0Installation quality
1.0After sales support
3.0Anonymous | Longmont, Colorado | 03/21/2007
These guys know there stuff. Where extremely easy to work with and always showed up on time. System worked as advertised!<br />
read moreMississippi Solar | Poplarville, Mississippi | 07/14/2020
Avoid this guy! You've been warned.
In 2015, I ordered 2 nickel iron batteries from this guy and put on my credit card. They said they came from China so 45 day delay. 55 days after my order, I called the owner and he said he didn't know anything about it. I reminded him he charged my CC for $2300, then he says he quit doing business with that supplier. I told him I wanted a refund. He tried to sell me something else so I told him to send me spec sheet. He said I told you about them already. I then demanded a refund and he cussed me out. I contested charge with CC co. and got my money back after 4 months. Then this rascal had the nerve to charge my CC for $65 6 months later.
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