Sara palmer | Bakersfield, California | 05/24/2018
Overall Impressed
Had some solar put on my car port and back house. Great process made very easy by the team and staff.
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Installing solar since 2018
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# reviews since 2018
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
3.3Price as quoted
3.7On schedule
3.7Installation quality
3.7After sales support
3.7SusanHoaer | Bakersfield, California | 05/24/2018
GSP installation
Honest, reputable company with excellent customer service and a quick turn around on installation. GSP makes it easy to go solar!
read moreAudrey | Bakersfield, California | 10/08/2019
Be Careful With These Guys. They'll sell you a bill of goods.
I chose GSSP because one of their salesmen was related to a co-worker and I thought they would be honest and upfront and honest. They were anything but that. A lot of promises made, none kept. Before agreeing to an installation, we asked not once, not twice but several times if there was going to be a huge Tru-up at the end of the year because if there were, we didn't want them. We were reassured several times there would not be. Tru-up at the end of the year was over 4,000. So between paying the Tru-up and the Solar Panels payment, we ended up paying more than if we had not had them installed at all. We were also told that in six months they would come to make sure the system was working correctly. They never did. To make matters worse, we were told by their salesman not to pay our latest PG&E Bill that they would pick it up. So we didn't and as our installation got delayed for several months, we ended up owing PG&E a large back bill. Obviously they don't care what their sales reps promise and what they can deliver. We obviously did not get the system we signed up for, and nothing was done to make sure what we were being sold was adequate. Once they have your money, they no longer care about their phony promises.
read moreSara palmer | Bakersfield, California | 05/24/2018
Overall Impressed
Had some solar put on my car port and back house. Great process made very easy by the team and staff.