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Installing solar since 2010
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# reviews since 2018
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
5.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
5.0Installation quality
5.0After sales support
5.0Loomis resident | Loomis, California | 07/19/2018
An outstanding experience with Magic Sun Solar
Our selection of Magic Sun Solar was based on 3 factors. First, the sales/customer service representative (Oscar) was outstanding and did a very through job on sizing the project, the cost, the quality of the products offered, the installation process, the warranties and all aspects of the solar project. Second, the installation process was done quickly and throughly, and in an extremely professional manner. And third, the post installation walk through with our sales/customer service representative was thorough, complete, detailed and comprehensive. The quality of the Magic Sun products far exceeded those of competitors. We recommend Magic Sun Solar highly!!!!
read moreResidential solar - Grid tied
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3750 Taylor Road, Loomis CA, 95650
3750 Taylor Rd, Loomis California, 95650