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Installing solar since 2010
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Residential solar - Grid tied
Commercial solar - Grid tied
Residential solar - Hybrid solar systems
Dear Homeowner, Imagine what it would be like to eliminate your power bill in the next few months... while spending the same (or even less) on powering your home?... Even better, paying thousands of dollars less than everyone else on solar panels... Savings would'd be able to turn on the A/C, better yet clean and warm your pool... you'd feel secure knowing your power bill won't outgrow you again next month ... you wouldn't have to spend your time running around the house truing off lights, having to install one of those clear lock box on your A/C thermostat...better yet no more U-turns half way to work to turn off your A/C or pool pump... you can finally have your life back again. So ask yourself...are you sick and tired of spending your hard-earned dollars on dirty electricity that just keeps going up in price?Are you fed up with your power utility company that charge you more and more every time? Then stop the stress and the frustration of trying to guess your electric bill month in month out and invest your hard earn money in solar panels for your home. Solar Panels save homeowners on average $35,000+ for the next 25 years after making the switch. Sounds hard to believe but it's true. In fact we're so confident solar panels can help you save that we have Guaranteed Savings that are not Dependent of the Solar Tax Credit. No other solar company will dare to do this as they'd have to fire all their staff and quickly go out of business! In fact go ahead and quote around and ask one if they'll guarantee savings without the Solar Tax Credit.
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5725 Green Castle rd, El paso TX, 79932
2300 W Sahara Ave. Ste.813, Las Vegas NV, 89102