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Installing solar since 2020
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# reviews since 2020
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
5.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
3.0Installation quality
3.0After sales support
3.0OTG in Fairbanks | Fairbanks, AK | 10/06/2021
Turnkey Off Grid Packages
Super easy to customize their base packages and build my off grid solar over time. Great customer support too
read moreHovernorth | Glennallen, Alaska | 05/21/2020
Do not deal with this company
Renewable Energy systems off Diamond Blvd, will promise you the world, and sell you out of date inventory to off grid private people who will spend a lot more money with them to fix the problem, they do not know how to fix. They take your money and run. This company will not come and personally help resolve the problem except over the phone and set your solar perimeters wrong, and continue to do so because they can't fix it. The manufacture warranties are on you, and the manufactures find that this company has not been doing the correct things, so all you do is lose...
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