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Installing solar since 2024
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# reviews since 2024
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
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Kim R | Walton, New York | 07/19/2024
In April of 2022 I hired Solar Alchemy to install an off grid solar system in Tompkins, NY. From the time of installation into the depths of winter I experience serial crashes leaving me without dependable, uninterrupted electricity/heat. It soon became clear that Solar Alchemy had neither the competency to install an off-grid system nor were they prepared/able to fix their failing system. Between 7/22/22 & 1/19/23 the system CRASHED at least TWELVE times (6 times in the middle of winter), the batteries dropped precipitously (to zero/below the recommended minimum recommended 30% which reduces battery life) 6 times & the system alarm went off at least 7 times. Solar Alchemy blamed the failures on damage done to the wiring by a worker while ignoring the inconvenient fact that the system crashed numerous times prior to that accident. They showed little to no awareness of the danger of living in a house in Upstate NY without reliable power. They actually suggested that I move. As well they suggested that the problem was the R-value of my house. In other words, they flailed around looking for ways to blame their failures & incompetence rather than accepting responsibility, admitting their mistakes & making it right. I ended up paying over $9,000 to correct their ineptitude. What’s more, they substituted, without notifying me, inferior batteries which had a 3-year instead of a 5-year warranty (as stated in the purchase agreement) & never compensated me for substituting cheaper batteries. Bottom line: the system never performed as warranted and they were dishonest in failing to deliver what was in the purchase agreement. Their facile shrugging of responsibility never failed to amaze. I eventually hired a NYSERDA Gold Star Certified Installer (Hudson River Solar) to access why the system was failing. Their report indicated numerous flaws with the installation and many potentially dangerous code violations. As soon as HRS stepped in, my system FINALLY began to work without fail. Because I based my original decision partly on the NABCEP and NYSERDA credentials of this installer, I assumed that both organizations might want to reevaluate their certification process. To date, no action or interest from either. I will update should that change.
read moreResidential solar - Grid tied
Commercial solar - Grid tied