robert | Riverside, California | 08/02/2019
I will never recommend them
they where recommended
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Installing solar since 2019
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# reviews since 2019
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
3.0Price as quoted
0.5On schedule
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0.5stevep | Riverside, California | 09/27/2019
Read your contract before you sign it.
I had a handshake agreement and we were about to start the work. Then I more closely reviewed the terms of the contract; the "small print." I'm not an attorney, but I can read and comprehend. I found the following provisions troubling and decided not to go forward with the deal: 6. The client hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, Solar Pro's Inc, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, contractors and agents from any and all liability associated with this program/project except for the labor warranties provided. I'm not an attorney, but what "any and all liability" means to me is I am agreeing to defend the company, etc., even if the liability resulted from something that is the company's fault. Dan told me "it's just boilerplate." He said Kirk told him he didn't know why it was in the contract either. Dan told me I could make changes to the contract if I wanted to. Another part of the contract that is confusing is the second paragraph in item 6. 6. (second paragraph) 25 Year Worry Free Warranty Includes; Parts, materials, mounting brackets, wires, cables, panels, roof penetrations, and monitoring. This is really vague, and I couldn't get an explanation from Dan as to what exactly it means. Maybe it means that they will replace parts, but there are no details about circumstances under which this warranty will apply. Finally, I found the second sentence in this provision to be troubling: 11. Prior to final pricing, Solar Pro's Inc reserves the right to conduct a site visit/audit to verify that all satellite calculations were exact. Materials offered are subject to change without notice. Quality and efficiency offered will remain equivalent or better. It isn't specified what materials could be changed without notice. Personally, I would want to be notified depending on what "materials" this provision refers to. If they want to use a different bracket because they got better pricing or whatever, that’s not a big deal. But what if they decide to change more important and integral components? Any change should be by mutual agreement. Looks like almost everyone is very happy with work the company does. That's why I really wanted to do a deal. Dan told me that Kirk said I could re-write those provisions if I wanted to. Again, not being an attorney, I decided I didn't want to do the company's legal work.
read morerobert | Riverside, California | 08/02/2019
I will never recommend them
they where recommended
22267 Vacation Drive, Canyon Lake CA, 92587
22267 Vacation Dr, Canyon Lake CA, 92587
CSLB# 988172