Solar Tech

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Installing solar since 1998

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Service types

Solar hot water sales and installations

Solar pool heating sales and installations

About Solar Tech

The sun, as the source for virtually all the earth's heat, provides thermal radiation that is easily the most efficient and widely used green energy.

Solar thermal control and utilization holds the greatest promise of any alternative energy for reducing carbon emissions*, gaining widespread use, and at the least cost per kW, reasonable returns. Solar Tech specializes in utilization and control of radiation heat.

Solar Tech's sales, installation, and service for low and medium temperature solar thermal systems (hot water, pool heat, space heat) has continued since 1998. We use trusted vendors and strive to furnish the best products with the longest warranties. We also service all other brands of solar thermal systems. American-made solar heating equipment is our preference. Quality workmanship is backed by experience.

The addition of Inflectorâ„¢ Solar Window Insulators has expanded our product line with super-effective see-through heat and glare control for windows. A single-glazed window can be made to perform better than a five-pane window with Inflector. Inflector can provide both winter and summer savings up to 40% and more, is versatile and the most efficient see-through window energy insulator available.

Office locations

Virginia - Roanoke

3305 Hollyfield Circle, Roanoke VA, 24018

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Roanoke County Business License #17532Virginia Contractors Lic

Contact Solar Tech

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Head Office
3305 Hollyfield Circle, Roanoke VA, 24018
Solar Tech