SteveF916 | Sacramento, California | 08/15/2018
Bad irresponsible company
Installed array on wrong buildings causing over $12,000 in damages. Refused to correct mistakes.
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Installing solar since 1984
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# reviews since 2012
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
3.8Price as quoted
3.8On schedule
3.4Installation quality
1.0After sales support
3.4Jeff M | Mill Valley, California | 10/02/2020
Stay away from this company
I would caution anyone doing business with SunFirst Solar. Once they have your money and install your system, you are at risk of being ignored if anything goes wrong. SunFirst has refused for 4 months to replace broken inverters and initially tried to pawn the work off to another company that may not even exist. I purchased a SunPower solar panel system from SunFirst 4 years ago. In the spring of 2020, I noticed that I was no longer receiving information about solar production. So, I called SunFirst and they said they could see that at least 1 inverter was not functioning. This was the first red flag. They could see on their end that it wasn't working yet it took me calling them to ask about getting it replaced. I assume that they knew it was busted and didn't reach out to me as that would mean they'd have to pay to replace it. Only after calling to complain was I then told by SunFirst that SunPower would replace the broken inverter. This was in late May/early June of 2020. It’s now October and it still has not been replaced nor have I been given any guidance on if this will ever happen. Let alone when. I finally called SunPower in late June after waiting and hearing nothing. SunPower said that they sent the inverter to a firm called Meyer Electrical and not to SunFirst. SunFirst asked SunPower to send the inverter to Meyer because SunFirst was too busy to install them at my home. I guess SunFirst cares more about finding new customers than actually taking care of past customers. Meyer electrical may not even exist as multiple calls and emails to them have gone unanswered. It’s been almost 4 months now since SunPower sent the inverter to Meyer. I have not received any communication from Meyer about getting this inverter. Tayfun at SunFirst seems like a nice person, and I have no doubt that he is overworked. But this company could not care less about customers whose products are still under warranty. Over the months that this has been dragging on its been made clear to me that SunFirst does not care about a customer like me. They are too busy charging new people to install systems. I just hope for their sake that nothing breaks. As you may be treated in a similarly awful fashion as I am. I would caution anyone from doing business with this company that cares so little about past customers and honoring products that are under warranty.
read moreSteveF916 | Sacramento, California | 08/15/2018
Bad irresponsible company
Installed array on wrong buildings causing over $12,000 in damages. Refused to correct mistakes.
3060 Kerner Blvd Suite W, San Rafael CA, 94901
136 Mitchell Blvd, San Rafael CA, 94903
Contractors State License Board - B & C46