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Installing solar since 2019
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# reviews since 2019
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
4.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
5.0Installation quality
5.0After sales support
5.0Robert Kilworth | Bernardsville, New Jersey | 11/15/2019
Knowledgeable, honest and well priced.
With contractors having a reputation for being not being on time and finishing within a predetermined agreed time; Via Solar finished the work the work as promised, on time and was very fairly priced. They were even nice enough to call back a few weeks later to check on if we had any questions or needed any assistance with our new system.
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Jennies Notch Rd., Windham NY, 12496
PO Box 294, Gladstone NJ, 07934
District of Columbia - Washington
1232 Oaks N.E., Washington DC, 20002