Wolf Solar Electric

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About Wolf Solar Electric

Interior Alaska communities face some of the most expensive costs-of-living in the nation, with heating oil approaching $7 per gallon and almost impossible logistics to get anything delivered.

Solar power can provide a very cost-effective solution for small and large homes alike, and is perhaps the most under-developed renewable resource in Alaska currently.

In a market saturated with solar electric companies, many proclaiming to be "experts" in solar power, you may find it difficult to trust anyone.

But rest assured, we live completely off-grid right here in interior Alaska in an office powered by the very products we sell and install.

While many claim to be "experts" in off-grid living, we cope with those challenges every single day.

The products you see in our catalog have been selected for their reliability, availability, and manufacturer service/support.

We have tested these products in our challenging climate so that you don't have to. Living truly off-grid in Alaska can be difficult but also very rewarding for those willing to try. When you are ready to talk about Solar, Wind, or Energy Efficiency, contact Wolf Solar Electric.

Office locations

Alaska - TOK

P.O. Box 612, TOK AK, 99780

Alaska - Tok

, Tok AK, 99780


Alaska Electrical Contractor License #34834

Contact Wolf Solar Electric

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Head Office
P.O. Box 612, TOK AK, 99780