Barbara L | Inwood, WV | 02/23/2021
American Made High Quality Black Panels
After Vector Energy showed us the mission solar brand we instantly fell in love. we have been wanting solar for some time now and we didn't expect to get everything MADE IN AMERICA. Nick showed us a bunch of videos of the Mission panels going through a bunch of tests and it really solidified us choosing those.
DLComfort | Comfort, TX | 02/18/2021
Beautiful install
Looking to buy American and the MSE 375 watt panels were offered at competitive price to Chinese panels. Install looks great and 4 months of operation is flawless.
Lynn O. | 10/09/2020
Warranty, Pricing and Quality
They look great and are performing as promised or better.
Lindsay | McFarland, WI | 02/18/2020
Nice USA made solar!
Mission solar panels look great and are made in the USA! We were going solar anyway, but it was a nice additional benefit to be able to buy American. The all black looks really cool on our house.
Great company | 02/17/2020
American made good production
The system is not active yet waiting for city inspection but it appears to be what was represented
Paula Battreal | Colleyville, TX | 02/12/2020
Panel provided by EasTex Solar
Panel provided by EasTex Solar