Jolyon | Orlando, FL | 08/19/2019
Great panels at a decent price
I chose these because they had more wattage potential than the others my installer carried.
Fred | , CA | 07/10/2019
Crap by a bankrupt company
Bought American. Mistake, big mistake. started with 265 watt panels. Replaced two out of 24 already, I'm only 5 years out. No response from the company that created protectionism. For who's benefit? Certainly not a consumer like myself. I'm maxing now around 200 watts a panel. They hit 260 watts on a great day when new... Also discovered there's an issue with solder joints that cause panels to drop production by 1/3rd or 2/3ds. Have to scrape off the silicone garbage where they are all soldered together to fix that problem by re-soldering.
Fins | 01/25/2018
Review added by Fins
My panels have been in place for three years and I have never had any issue with a single panel, and I have 48 panels total on two arrays.
solarres | 12/01/2017
Review added by solarres
Attractive and appears to produce as advertised.
cedavid | 11/13/2017
Review added by cedavid
I have no complaints about the panels, so for so good. Just hope I never do.