Review for SunTalk Solar

Office location: 9900 E 51st Avenue, Denver CO, 80238

Val Aurora, CO

Not efficient, not working, not cost effective, big troubles

One of my worse experience. This company was not our choice but was imposed to us by Source NRG whit which we have signed contract for solar system installation. Suntalk Solar is more friendly with your utility company then whit you like customer. Installed solar system is not effective, have constant issues and didn't make our energy bill low, it actually make it way high since we need to pay same energy bill + solar panels. Customer service is useless and if technician need to come to your home you need to pay in front. There are no warranty at all. If something need to be replaced be prepared to wait and wait and wait....... until summer is gone and it will be done in the winter...... guess why? because no sun, that's why our system "works" only at that time. On the main time you keep paying for bills and solar system(which not work). We got 3 legged racing horse but we found out that when we pay for it and see it running, because we have no options to see it before. If you don't want to be p........t o...f stay away from this scammers.

Sales process
Price charged as quoted
On schedule
Installation quality
After sales support

System size (kW): 7.77

System price: $42,000

Year installed: 2021

Price include the Federal Tax Credit or incentives: No