Review for ProSolar Hawaii

C man Waikoloa, HI

Wanna be high school bully

Accused me of keying his truck after he read my bumper sticker on my truck , it said "Quanon- multi generational defect caused by the bad acid at Woodstock!", my guess, after reading some of the reviews of him is that maybe one or both of his relatives, and even maybe, that is where he was concieved, ,and he took offense to my bumper sticker cause right after he read it it popped up and said to me that he hadn't got a covid vaccination and didn't believe in it, which I thought to myself, ooooh k, and then asked me if I had gotten my vaccination which I replied yes. Which then a few days later when I returned to finish my work, I had to leave because he wanted to fight me, he kept on telling me he was a being a nice guy and to "get the f out of there. I was 66 at that time and he was 52, if I was his age there would have been a fight but it takes to long to recover from injury after you get older so I left, but I did hear 1 of his employee's ask another one " what the hell is he doing " and then when one of the younger guys that worked for the company I worked for went to the job to confront him the 2 guys that where wondering what he was doing at the time he was telling me how nice a guy he was apologized to him for the crap their boss had given me, good thing Ryan wasn't there, the young man who went looking for him was a local boy and, well let's say it wouldn't have ended up well for Mr Nice Guy. Maybe that's why he's left the state, because he threatened many older people and the younger friends wanted him to be taught how to respect others. All this happened in 2021, so believe what you read about this wanna be 52 yr old high school bully, maybe he was deservent of his rating years ago but the last most recent reviews show and tell of his work and personality. Beware of this guy if he ever comes back!

Sales process

System size (kW): 50

System price: $1

Year installed: 2021

Price include the Federal Tax Credit or incentives: Yes