Office location: 5715 Bedford St, Pasco WA, 99301
Seattle, WA
My solar panels have been very rewarding. The energy from these panels went on the grid In March of 2023. I have a net system which means The power from my panels takes care of my home use first and the extra goes to the grid. Since the beginning my electric bill has been the basic charge only. Even during this winter I have had enough power credit to meet my needs. I think you should know I have a small home and heat with gas. Mostly cook with electric devices. Solgen reps told me from the beginning I would generate more power than I was using at that time, but if I bought an electric car and needed to charge this car I would need more panels. this would be a problem since I only had room for the minimum number which was 10. Why did I want solar. Because my husband who died in 2022 always said the system wouldn't pay for itself. Now at 91, I do not care if it paids for itself or not. What I wanted to do is leave the world a better place for my grandchildren. Leaving them money wasn't going to do the trick. My solar panels have given me a lot of pleasure every day. West Seattle has a lot more Sun than you would imagine. Almost every day this winter I have had a few hours of sun. I love the care free way I am now doing good. Sometimes we should have a reason beyond money for doing something.
System size (kW): 1400
System price: $20,000
Year installed: 2024
Price include the Federal Tax Credit or incentives: Yes