Anonymous | Clinton, New York | 07/06/2012
Our installer was extremely knowledgeable and professional. We recommend him to others all the time. And we are very particular about all contractors we hire.<br />
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Installing solar since 2012
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# reviews since 2012
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
5.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
5.0Installation quality
5.0After sales support
4.6I dont like nicknames | Utica, New York | 03/28/2016
Great Company to work with
Sales/Initial contact:<br />CNY Solar was fantastic throughout the process. After vetting their company and numerous others through a market analysis we decided to move ahead with CNY because they were extremely knowledgeable, honest, professional and courteous. Everyone was very helpful and worked with our schedule and provided quick responses to all of our inquiries.<br /><br />Install:<br />CNY did not disappoint when it came to the install. Their team was at our house 2 months ahead of schedule and got everything installed and running in less than 2 days. The gentlemen who installed the equipment were very nice and went the extra mile to ensure our satisfaction.<br /><br />Support/System Performance:<br />So far the system has worked great and it has been fun watching it produce and roll the meter backward on our usage. CNY has continued to be very professional and will be completing additional work for me based on their performance so far.
read moreAnonymous | Clinton, New York | 07/06/2012
Our installer was extremely knowledgeable and professional. We recommend him to others all the time. And we are very particular about all contractors we hire.<br />
2111 Genesee Street, Oneida NY, 13421
9166 N Main St, Canastota NY, 13032