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Installing solar since 2015
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# reviews since 2015
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
5.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
5.0Installation quality
5.0After sales support
5.0norgfach77 | San Francisco, California | 03/16/2015
Great Experience, Small residential System
Skytech Solar was one out of three highly rated companies listed on the "GoSolarSF" list of companies that I contacted.<br /><br />Out of these three, the rep for Skytech Solar was the only one who actually bothered to go up on my roof and measure shading/look at the roof. Also, he noticed two issues with our electrical system that were overlooked by the other companies (water line not grounded, inspector might ask for second grounding rod).<br /><br />Having done my research, I asked all three companies for a specific system with LG Panels/Enphase inverters and Skytech also came back with the most competitive bid, including fixing the two electrical issues they noted.<br /><br />Scheduling the installation in Dec. 2014 was a little tricky, due to weather, but Skytech managed to get it done and knocked out the install in one day.<br /><br />We had a very thorough City inspector, but nonetheless the system passed inspection right off the bat.<br /><br />Skytech also handled all the paperwork regarding city permit/net metering/Go Solar SF rebate and everything went through smoothly.<br /><br />Everybody at Skytech was very pleasant to deal with and so far the system has exceeded the performance that I expected.<br /><br />Highly recommended.
read more185 Arkansas Street Studio C, San Francisco CA, 94107
2355 Whitman Rd, Concord CA, 94518